Tourist Information of Kailash mansarovar

Where is Kailash mansarovar Temple

It is located in the western region of Tibet in the Tibetan Himalayas at an altitude of 6,675m.

How to Reach Kailash mansarovar Temple

This trip is conducted for 30 days. The best time to visit is during the month of June to September.

History of Kailash mansarovar Temple

Mount Kailash, which is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva in Hindu religion, is the most holy pilgrimage destinations. Beside Mount Kailash in the Tibetan plateau lies the pious Lake Mansarovar. According to legends Lord Brahma, the creator, in Hindu mythology is believed to have created the lake and named it Mansarovar.

Places to be seen in Kailash mansarovar

In Hindu religion the kailash Mansarovar yatra is conducted for centuries. This yatra is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is located in the western region of Tibet in the Tibetan Himalayas at an altitude of 6,675m. This trip is conducted for 30 days. The best time to visit is during the month of June to September.

Importance of Kailash mansarovar

It is believed that a holy trip to Mount Kailash and a bath in the Mansarovar helps you to attain salvation or Moksha. The Mansarovar Lake covers a total area of 320-sq-kms with a depth of 90m. During winter the lake freezes and melts only during spring.


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