Tourist Information of Bodhan ekachakreshwara temple
Where is Bodhan ekachakreshwara temple
Bodhan is just 30km away from Nizamabad,180km from Hyderabad.How to Reach Bodhan ekachakreshwara temple
By Road:Busses from Hyderabad,NizamabadBy Train:Trains from Hyderabad,Nizamabad.
History of Bodhan ekachakreshwara temple
In the city of Ekachakra, the Pandavas stayed in the guise of brahmanas, begging for their food in the streets. There is a cave near the city, where lived a cruel and terribly strong rakshasa (demon) named Bakasura. This rakshasa was said to issue from his cave, mad with hunger, and indiscriminately kill and eat the men, women and children of the city. The citizens prayed to the rakshasa to come to some sort of bargain in place of this rampant slaughter.
Places to be seen in Bodhan
This place is famous for Nizam Sugar Factory which was one of the largest sugar factory in Asia. It was constructed by Nizam of Hyderabad. It is now owned by a private so many temples are there among from eka chakreshwara temple like wise; Chakreshwar Swamy temple(is the biggest lingam in all of South India),Renuka TEMPLE (NEARLY 1200 YEARS AGO)Karthikeshwara Temple, Nagarshwara Temple, Ramalayam,Saibaba Temple, Bhimuni Gutta,Ayyappa temple,Now constructing Sri Lakshmi Venkateshwara Alayam. Bojja Ganapathi, There are many Hanuman Temples(Mainlym Maruthi Hanuman Hanuman Tekedi, Bhuimuni Gutta Hanuman, Anand Hanuman,Pedda Hanuman,Dhakshina mukhi Hanuman, Kondenga Hanuman, Rammandir Hanuman, Sri Lakshmi Venkateshwara alayam(Swayambu Hanuman)) in Bodhan.
Importance of Bodhan ekachakreshwara temple
Bodhan was previously known as Eka Chakrapuram. The name Bodhan is probably derived from a contraction of the Telugu phrase, "bahu dhanyam kaladi", which means "rich amount of grain" and was so named because of the good grain harvests in the area. Rakaspet, Bodhan is the location of some of the events in the ancient Indian epic, The Mahabarata. Part of the story takes place in Eka Chakrapuram (then known as Ekachakra). In the city of Ekachakra, the Pandavas stayed in the guise of brahmanas, begging for their food in the streets. There is a cave near the city, where lived a cruel and terribly strong rakshasa (demon) named Bakasura. This rakshasa was said to issue from his cave, mad with hunger, and indiscriminately kill and eat the men, women and children of the city. The citizens prayed to the rakshasa to come to some sort of bargain in place of this rampant slaughter.
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