Where is Dichpally Temple

Hyderabad to Dichpally Via Kamareddy
Distance Between Hyderabad to Dichpally is 155 km.
It is 10 km on the way to Hyderabad to Nizamabad
Dichpally is located in Nizamabad district of Andhra Pradesh and close to the city Nizamabad.

How to Reach Dichpally Temple

By Road:Busses from Mumbai,Pune,Hyderabad,Nashik,Nanded upto Nizamabad
By Train:Trains from Mumbai,Hyderabad upto Nizamabad

History of Dichpally Lord Rama Temple

This was constructed in 14th century .with wonderful shilpas it was constructed. Nice explanation of the kavvi’s on the shilpas, with beautiful atmosphere.

To Read Complete History of Dichpally Temple...

Places to be seen in Dichpally

Dichpally killa ramalayam, along with this around it has so many trees.

Importance of Dichpally

This is one of the oldest temple of 14th century.