Tourist Information of Kulai Swami Temple
Where is Kulai Swami Temple
Hyderabad to Ananthapur.Distance between Hyderabad To Ananthapur is 400km(Aprox)
Kulai Swami Temple is in Ananthapur District,Narapala Mandal,Gugudu village.
How to Reach Kulai Swami Temple
By Road:Busses from Hyderabad,BengaluruBy Train:Trains from Hyderabad,Bengaluru
History of Kulai Swami Temple
This village has one importance in tratayugam maha munni name guhudu in this place he developed a ashramam.while sri rama going to haranya vasam he visited this place to ashramam.he agreed to his respect and told while going back to ayodya I will come again.then he was waiting for sri rama and he did not come then he self sacrificed him in fire before ashramam. With his divya shakti he known that and to stop it to fulfill his desire he send a massage with hanuman.after long time sri rama went there.but hanuman was stood there it self.where the guha had did tapasu it is the place kulai swamy temple. This temple was reconstructed in the yearb 1922 .
Places to be seen near Kulai Swami Temple
beside kulai swamy there is hanuman this hindus culture programs muslims also participate. This region proofs that hindu and muslims are brothers.while bhramostavas are going on one side hindu mantras and the other side mamaj matras in those 10days.
Importance of Kulai Swami Temple
Hanuman temple and kulai swamy temple ,This temples are very famous side by side.every year according to islam religion calender in the moharam month .10 days celebrations are conducted.this temples are belongs to two religions people. Lakhs of pilgrims participate in this celebrations called as(bhramostavas).not only from ananthapur district but also from people from far away districts come to participate in this and also from other states like karnataka,tamilnadu,goa,maharastra,kerela also pilgrims come.mulism worship kulai swamy this god is also worshiped by hindus also.this is speciality of this place.
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